Margaret Griffith

Margaret has a strong connection to Maine having spent many summers on Swan’s Island, Vinalhaven, and Southwest Harbor. Just two years ago she and her family purchased a home on Little Cranberry where she is happy to have landed. Maine is a dominant theme in many of her paintings. She loves nothing better than painting outside with the sound of waves in the background.

There is a certain rhythm that occurs in nature which is reflected in her work. It can be observed in her architectural elements seen in her lobster boats, boat houses, and of course her buoys. This same rhythm can also be felt in the energized brush work of her rocks, water, and skies. It seems Margaret’s paintings are not so much about light they are about shapes and color. It is her ability to place both shapes and colors in just the rights spots that leads to strong and interesting compositions. At times, she pushes her compositions with the result being almost “abstract.”